Sunday, January 27, 2008


This past week I've been brainstorming like mad. My notebook is half full with just about every idea I've had for this game, arranged in a manner that makes it completely inaccessible. However, in doing this I've really solidified the philosophy behind this game, and entertained a huge number of possibilities in gameplay that I may use later as I begin developing more versions of the basic game.

Writing this is hindsight is a bit weird considering I know the future. Should I whinge on about how I'll never come up with this blasted "basic game," or should I tell my past self that it will all come to pass; that yes, you will come up with a basic game that could possibly incorporate these ideas you are having, that it will all be ok and Jon won't fail you? Well, still waiting on that one...

please don't fail me.

In other news, I came up with a strange way to get myself into action in my depressed state. I pretend I'm someone else and do what they would do in my situation. I pretended I was a girl named Aubrey. She's a go-get-'em type with big ideas, big dreams, and a big capacity to plow through loads of exhausting work. It's not exactly that I pretend I'm this person, but I think it sounds funnier if I just leave it at that...
*turns into Aubrey*

toodles :)

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