Saturday, December 15, 2007

game variation: what number am I on now?

yeah so I've been working on da glass bead game and yo, like I've been workin' on a like board game version an' shit, check it out.

Ehm, this version actually incorporates the actual glass beads, which is nice. What's not so nice is I've only figured the beads in, the pattern manipulation bit is yet to be incorporated into this version.

Anyway, what I have so far is this:
You move your bead around a pattern, rolling a dice to see how many spaces you can move. I say "spaces," but that is incorrect, you only move onto where the tiles intersect. But that's the wrong word too...I guess the English language doesn't have a word for it, but it's the point at which all of the tiles touch, their combined angles, in degrees, reaching 360. Is there a word for that, I'm sure there is in geometry. Maybe my next blog will be about that word. I got 13 more of these babies to pop out so nothing's too insignificant at this point.

The good thing about this version, especially if I can find a good way to incorporate pattern associations in a meaningful way, is that it has the idea of a game "form" incorporated from the get-go. The first version of this game was also boring. BOORRRINNGGG. Speaking of which, did I mention I need to write 13 more of these, and since my attitude is so off the mark I'll probably get little or no credit for them.

I bet no one even reads this. You there, you aren't reading this at all are you?

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