Monday, December 17, 2007

On Project not being New Media

Conceptually, the game is the opposite of New Media. It values reflection and order, or one might say stagnation and hierarchies. The glass bead game players in the book are of an all-male elite class, taken from the outside world to be brought up in pure isolation. The elite class is also forbidden to produce anything of their own--to be creative, in any way, is taboo.

These aspects, which define their elite society and hold it together, are just the opposite of what we talk about in the New Media major. Here we talk about disseminating hierarchies and making everyone a producer, encouraging everyone to be as self-assertive and creative as they possibly can. I think both ideals are important and valuable, I think it is important not to become too bent on any one way of thinking.

For my project to be successful, I need to be able to bring this idea across.

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