Thursday, September 27, 2007


Right now I'm thinking up the gameplay of this game. I'm researching types of patterns (magic square) and pattern variability (as described in the article you can't view because you can't get shockwave) for more ideas.

Here's a list of ideas and options, which I will narrow to a selection that I will develop into the approach:
-physical interface, movable blocks/"beads" are the controls
-virtual interface, same idea
-audio: -- pre-determined strains -- synthesized -- two games, one that synthesizes (like idea #1) and one that organizes it into patterns (like idea #3) -- pattern determines what is played at the moment -- pattern determines sequence of audio(X) --
-the pattern: -- a grid made up of identical images, the images can be rotated, and switched with adjacent square -- more ideas pending...

This list probably makes no sense to anyone except me.

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